Sunday, February 21, 2010


Are the worst. My neck is always the sorest and stiffest. I had 2 lateral fractures on the right side of my neck. Did not hurt that much compared to others, but has had the weirdest after symptoms. Every once inawhile it pops I don't know how else to describe it. It pops and this thick pain shots up my neck and into my head it feels like. I stiffen and the pain is so indescribable. My stomach always falls to my feet. It lasts seconds, but the scare lasts longer. I have stomach ulcers in my stomach due to all the pain killers they were giving me. Since my accident on '06 I have been on opioids. It's been almost a year since I chucked my pills and have not looked back. I am still on the Fentynal patch however I am being slowly winged. From 75 mcg's to now 25mcg's and next month hopefully none. Due to the pills and all the side effects I dropped 20 pounds, they ate my alive. It's taken time, but I am gaining. The one thing that has allowed me to eat and get over the nausea is Medical Cannabis. Mornings would not be overcome if it was not for marijuana. I have to say that it does get very tiring always relying on something to make me feel better, so I have also stopped smoking like a chimney. I only smoke when it is utterly the sickest nausea or greatest tension in my nerves, which causes pain. Here's to OVERCOMING! No mas quiero vivir, sin protextos.

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