Thursday, December 23, 2010

Health Insurance

My new Kaiser card came in the mail Today! As of Jan 1st I will once again be insured!!! Best Christmas gift a President has ever given me. Thank you Obama. The first thing I plan on doing...after getting my peepers checked and fitting them with some fresh frames is e-mailing my endocrinologist and scheduling a bone density scan. I had a bone strengthening treatment a year ago before my insurance ended and I feel better, stronger, and it would be nice to see if my bones did gain some density. I would be so grateful. I feel amazing and life is at my feet, that would just give me more hope that my body can keep bouncing back. It will also be pretty relieving not to have to walk on egg shells hoping that I don't get hurt, because of not having insurance. A great weight off my shoulders. Not that I want to get hurt, but knowing that if I do I am covered is a huge relief. VIVA LA VIDA!

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