Monday, April 5, 2010

Drug Free the way to be. I am completely detoxed and off of opioids. It feels so great, so freeing. I feel alive and my body is taking charge and finding its own sleep pattern. I am sleepy by 10 and in bed by 10:30pm. I wake up around 7-8. It really trips me out, because I have always been one to sleep. Sleep until the very last minute and now my body tells me no, wake up, get up. I am so glad that I took the leap of faith and that my body responded so well. I am feeling things that I have not felt or that I numbed with pain killers; such as cracking, stiffness, and just feeling my bones. Feeling the weakness. Other than really feeling that the pain is really nonexistent. I have a few pains every now and then, but nothing that I cannot handle. I have not missed one day of my externship since I have detoxed. I feel so great. I thank God for giving me the strength and the mind power to overcome.

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